Hebrew Pi - The Revelation of Hebrew Pi


The Vision for these Hebraic Words of Pi occurred early in the morning of 
March 14, 2014

Some say the Torah is a code … sent to US from YeHoVaH!

The words below were given on that faithful Pi Day in 2014 and as the story unfolds on the follow pages, the sequence of the Pi digits are what create each Hebrew Pi Message.  I hope these ancient Hebrew words, hidden since the foundation of the world, will be as a good seed within your heart that grows each Hebrew Pi Day as the rain of revelation within these messages nourish you with living water.

Today is known around the world as Pi Day!

3.14 - March 14 

On this day of Light, before the Shabbat, the desert sky is filled with clouds of darkening blues and grays.  This sky moves slowly over me this morning as I set forth these words of rain. 

Pi is infinite, endless in delight.

Our Father made it this way

so His Son would come to Light!

For to know the digits of three

in an intimate wisdom you’ll see

that the Divine Love within

begins where the alphabet starts and ends.

For the Tav is the Cross, The Door and The Way

Divine Love is calling, let’s go singing in the rain!

For when we look for the meaning that starts with the end

We’ll see a deeper purpose, begin to praise and glorify HIM!

So let us look at the numbers, Made known to all on Pi Day

Yea, let our understanding be made manifest on this & each & every day.

For when the three (3) are found by the one (1)

a magnificent point is made true

because the sum of those numbers make Forerunners (4) 

Raining revelation upon Me and upon You!

We are the ones (1), The essence of the five (5) 

that see the mysteries locked deep inside

Those wondrous books of Moses, 

with words and numbers of truth,

they lead us up the nine (9) Steps of Righteousness

to the Kingdom, the Temple inside of YOU!

With Righteousness and Judgement (2)

He has given Us (6) to Rule (5).

3.14159265 … and on and on and on and on … let the song be pulled by You and the OX for the rows are plowed deep and the harvest will be but a few.

As I finish writing these words, yes I wrote them ALL on that faithful day, the Son rose in the sky and radiated the clouds with His Ways.  Oh Our Yeshua of Glory, we rejoice in Your Mysterious Ways!  Rain Your Revelation on Us, make us Wise and guide us as we Walk along The Way.

Let her whisper in our ear the wisdom of Our Father, who keeps drawing us nearer to HIM.  The words and numbers, the beginning and the end their meanings are deep, revealing the narrow path that leads unto YOU.  Our Souls pine for the messages this code has locked within, yeah those streams of living water that run deep, let them flow within us again and again.   The Torah we love, the Torah is true, the Torah Mighty YeHoVaH, let us unlock this door of wisdom and walk along The Way with You. Let this wisdom indwell in us, guiding our steps, revealing the mysteries of The Kingdom once more. 

math pi decimal matrix

Some say that Hebrew Pi is a key that reveals … things kept secret since the foundation of the world.

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