Hebrew Pi 01 - The Camel & The Door


Pi Day - In the Beginning the journey began with the first 27 digits of Pi, converted into Ancient Hebrew Pictographic Letters & then interpreted with the helper, Ruach haKodesh. This is the Secret Door now opened wide.  Enter in, climb upon the camel, ride out of the desert, with a Heart filled with Divine  Love forevermore.

Hebrew Pi 01 - 3.14159265358979323846264338 - Sum 129

As I stand in the desert on a hot and dry day, I see the camel who will take me along The Way.  He looks as if a Gimel but his humps do not count three.  It’s not until I’m on Him does the middle one become me.  

Take me on a journey across the sands of time.  I know not where our Journey will lead, I know only its the appointed time.  Abba, Our Father, stands at The Door.  Behold! My Son whom the world has twisted but whom I adore.  I sent Him to gather a family that was few, as for all the others, they spoke lies and yelled, "Crucify Him too!"  The Son of Man was nailed to a cross, shedding his blood so that a remnant could have eyes that see.

Behold, look closely at the camel again!  Behold, a fence is set in front and back dear friend.  Camels twisting and turning between the streams that are within.  

Will you pull your weapon like the twisted minds of these men?  

Oh my camel let us ride like the wind, across the desert sands, to a home of camels who are righteous men.  For in their place the fence, The Torah, is secured, for the gate is nailed shut, camels must endure.  

They run up to the house, banging on The Door, but as we look around, They See, the nails driven through the hidden parchment that contains the Mystery by The Door.  As more camels come in, from The Same Way we’ve been,  we kneel at the fence giving thanks with our prayers up to Him.

The Secret Door is now Open, remember that only The Wise will have enough oil to enter inside.

Remember - You can click on the photo above to view The Flaming Sword of Glory!

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